The Courage to Disrupt

Rick had just retired as the VP for Europe at Conoco. He spent his career in the halls of power but never, in all those years, was he asked to use those skills as a means to further the gospel until… Larry Sharp of IBEC Ventures invited him on a trip to Kazakhstan.

Rick had just retired as the VP for Europe at Conoco.  He spent his career in the halls of power but never, in all those years, was he asked to use those skills as a means to further the gospel until… Larry Sharp of IBEC Ventures invited him on a trip to Kazakhstan.

“We coached about a dozen business owners committed to using their business for God’s purposes and Rick was able to help in every situation.  But what I remember most was a conversation on the way home when Rick said, “All my life I have been involved in my church – I taught Sunday school, was an elder and volunteered for mission trips where I gave out tracts and taught VBS.  But none of these things used any skill I had.  This is the first time I could use my God-given skills and experience.”

Rick and hundreds of others like him are beginning to discover that their professional lives along with their business skills are as important and needed in the work of God as that of the professional clergy.  See how IBEC Ventures is serving the church and business people wanting to make a difference through business as mission @ IBEC Ventures

Learn more about Significant Matters and how we’re helping churches move beyond helping that hurts @ Significant Matters | SATtalks | SAT Catalyst Fund



Larry is the founder of IBEC Ventures and now serves as Director of Strategic Training and Partnerships. His weekly IBEC Insights blog ( reaches thousands of current and prospective BAM entrepreneurs in over 100 countries. Before this, Larry served 21 years in Brazil and then 20 years as VP of Operations and VP of Business Partnerships for the mission agency Crossworld.

In his current role with IBEC Larry travels within North America speaking and teaching in conferences, colleges and churches on themes related to BAM, B4T and missions. His travels abroad relate to BAM/B4T, crisis preparation and management, and team building. His vision and expertise have helped influence dozens of BAM businesses. He is currently focused on the training sector, helping people understand Business as Mission and preparing consultants to serve overseas in high-risk places.

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The Courage to Disrupt

Rick had just retired as the VP for Europe at Conoco. He spent his career in the halls of power but never, in all those years, was he asked to use those skills as a means to further the gospel until… Larry Sharp of IBEC Ventures invited him on a trip to Kazakhstan.

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